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Your support can help unlock the mystery of viruses.

With your support, you can help us with this important research that could save lives and help better prepare us to tackle future pandemics. Donate by 30th June to get your tax time benefit.

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Every donation makes a difference to the lives of vulnerable communities where we work.


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Make the difference of a lifetime by setting up a monthly gift and becoming a Research Action Partner. Donate today.

Build to a significant annual gift

Many of our Research Action Partners say they enjoy knowing that regular gifts add up to a significant annual amount they may otherwise not have been able to make in one lump sum.

Control and flexibility

You retain the ability to increase, decrease or cancel your regular giving pledge whenever you wish. You’re not locked in to anything.

Funding certainty

Every gift helps, but regular giving helps provide some certainty for our dedicated researchers who are working to save lives and solve devastating health issues affecting vulnerable communities in Australia and internationally. 

Single receipt at tax time

Simplify the process of tax preparation with only one receipt.

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support Burnet

With your support, we can create and translate knowledge into better health so no -one is left behind.

Trusts + Foundations

The support of charitable trusts and foundations greatly assists Burnet build a more equitable world, where we can create and translate knowledge into better health programs. 

Bequests + Wills

Once your family is looked after, a gift in your Will can create a future of health equity for those who need it most.

Corporate Supporters

Your organisation can help build a more equitable world through better health so no-one is left behind.

Contact Us

Rob Daly, Executive General Manager, Philanthropy and Supporter Engagement