Is use of opioid agonist treatment associated with broader primary healthcare use among men with recent injecting drug use histories following release from prison? A prospective cohort study.
Curtis M, Wilkinson AL, Dietze P, Stewart AC, Kinner SA, Winter RJ, Aitken C, Walker SJ, Cossar RD, Butler T, Stoové M
Prevalence and Correlates of Panic Attacks Among People Who Primarily Smoke Methamphetamine
Hine R, Ward B, Kippen R, Sutton K, Duncan Z, Quinn B, Powell A, Dietze P
Alcohol and Other DrugsIncidence of suicide and self-harm among people with opioid use disorder and the impact of opioid agonist treatment: A retrospective data linkage study.
Colledge-Frisby S, Jones N, Degenhardt L, Hickman M, Padmanathan P, Santo T, Farrell M, Gisev N
Alcohol and Other DrugsCOVID-19 vaccine attitudes and facilitators among people in Australia who inject drugs.
Price O, Maher L, Dietze PM, Bruno R, Crawford S, Sutherland R, Salom C, Dore GJ, Peacock A
COVID-19Prevalence of Alcohol and Other Drug Use in Patients Presenting to Hospital for Violence-Related Injuries: A Systematic Review.
Lau G, Ang JY, Kim N, Gabbe BJ, Mitra B, Dietze PM, Reeder S, Scott D, Beck B
Alcohol and Other DrugsDisruption to Australian heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine and ecstasy markets with the COVID-19 pandemic and associated restrictions.
Price O, Man N, Sutherland R, Bruno R, Dietze P, Salom C, Agramunt S, Grigg J, Degenhardt L, Peacock A
Alcohol and Other Drugs COVID-19 Injecting Drug Use