20-year trends in Australian methamphetamine-related deaths, 2001-2020.
Stronach O, Dietze P, Livingston M, Roxburgh A
Alcohol and Other DrugsCharacteristics of attrition within the SuperMIX cohort of people who inject drugs: A multiple event discrete-time survival analysis.
Abdelsalam S, Agius PA, Sacks-Davis R, Roxburgh A, Livingston M, Maher L, Hickman M, Dietze P
Injecting Drug UseApproaches and reporting of alcohol and other drug testing for injured patients in hospital-based studies: A systematic review.
Lau G, Ang JY, Kim N, Gabbe BJ, Mitra B, Dietze PM, Reeder S, Beck B.
Alcohol and Other DrugsThe impact of COVID-19 public health measures on attendance and overdose at supervised injecting facilities in Australia.
Roxburgh A, Livingston M, Dietze P, Nielsen S, Cogger S, Bartlett M, Day C, Latimer J, Jauncey M, Clark N
COVID-19Socioeconomic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for people who use drugs
S. Walker, P. Dietze, P. Higgs, B. Ward, C. Treloar, M. Stoové, K. Rathnayake, J. Doyle, M. Hellard, L. Maher
Prevalence of alcohol and other drug detections in non-transport injury events.
Lau G, Mitra B, Gabbe BJ, Dietze PM, Reeder S, Cameron PA, Smit DV, Schneider HG, Symons E, Koolstra C, Stewart C, Beck B
Alcohol and Other Drugs