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Professor Caroline Homer AO

Deputy Director – Gender Equity, Diversity & Inclusion; Co-Head, Global Women's and Newborn Health Group
220916 Caroline Homer Minbutlervisit 510X288 510X288
Current Projects
IMG 8244
Transformative agenda for women, adolescents, and youth in the Pacific: Strengthening health management information systems (HMIS) PROJECT Arrow Icon
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Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response (MPDSR) Systems in Asia Pacific during the Covid-19 Pandemic 2020-2021 PROJECT Arrow Icon
Timor Midwives Student Work 510X288
Development of a point-of-care test for neonatal sepsis PROJECT Arrow Icon
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Understanding the needs of multicultural communities (VOICE partnership) PROJECT Arrow Icon
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SCOOP: Strengthening COVID-19 Communication in Pregnancy PROJECT Arrow Icon
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Accelerating Research and Progress in maternal And Newborn health: A Centre for Research Excellence (ARPAN CRE) PROJECT Arrow Icon
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Global Monitoring Platform for Maternal and Newborn Health PROJECT Arrow Icon
Past Projects
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Optimising Quarantine Study PROJECT Arrow Icon
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Needs assessment for Skilled Birth Attendants (SBAs) in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam (CLMV countries) PROJECT Arrow Icon
Mufid Majnun 1Pkqljcl3t0 Unsplash
WHO recommendations on antenatal corticosteroids and tocolytics for improving preterm birth outcomes PROJECT Arrow Icon
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The Optimise Study: Optimising Isolation, Quarantine and Distancing for COVID-19 PROJECT Arrow Icon
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Implementing the WHO Labour Care Guide to reduce the use of Caesarean section in four hospitals in India PROJECT Arrow Icon
210621 Covmat 510X288
Experiences of receiving or providing maternity care during COVID-19 pandemic: The CovMat Study PROJECT Arrow Icon
Covid Journey Project
COVID-19 Journey Project PROJECT Arrow Icon
HMHB Quality
HMHB: Quality of Pregnancy, Childbirth and Newborn Health Services Study PROJECT Arrow Icon
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Midwifery Futures PROJECT Arrow Icon
200625 Baby Feet 510X288
Transformative Agenda for Women, Adolescents and Youth in the Pacific: Strengthening Midwifery Education PROJECT Arrow Icon