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Carol El-Hayek


Carol El-Hayek is an infectious diseases epidemiologist with a focus on surveillance and evaluation of public health interventions, and a special interest in women and migrant populations.

Carol has over a decade of experience managing state and national surveillance systems monitoring blood borne viruses and sexually transmissible infections (BBV/STI) as well as conducting program evaluations using mixed methods.

Carol is a certified health informatician with extensive experience managing large public health datasets for epidemiological research and surveillance.

Carol is currently undertaking a PhD at the University of Melbourne which is focussed on implementing natural language processing and machine learning methods to improve the sentinel surveillance of BBV/STI.

  • 2020: Certified Health Informatician Australasia, Australian Institute of Digital Health
  • 2007: Master of Epidemiology, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  • 1999: Grad Dip Genetic Counselling, University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
  • 1996: BSc (Biotechnology), University of New South Wales, Australia
  • Burnet Institute Fellow
  • Adjunct Research Fellow, School of Population Health & Preventive Medicine, Monash University

2011: Oral Presentation Prize Winner for the Australasian HIV/AIDS Conference

  • Mar 2017 - Jul 2020: Co-Head, Surveillance and Evaluation, Burnet Institute
  • Nov 2015 - May 2016: Epidemiologist, Epidemiology and Surveillance, Victorian Department of Health and Human Services
  • Jul 2012 - Feb 2017: Manager Infectious Diseases Surveillance, Centre for Population Health, Burnet Institute
  • May 2008 - Jul 2012: Research and Surveillance Officer, Centre for Population Health, Burnet Institute
  • Mar 2004 - May 2008: Senior Data Manager, Cancer Epidemiology Centre, Cancer Council Victoria