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Australian trachoma surveillance annual report, 2010.

Cowling CS, Povovic G, Liu BC, Ward JS, Snelling TL, Kaldor JM, Wilson DP

  • Journal Communicable diseases intelligence quarterly report

  • Published 30 Sep 2012

  • Volume 36

  • ISSUE 3

  • Pagination E242-50


Endemic trachoma continues to exist in remote Aboriginal communities in Australia. The National Trachoma Surveillance and Reporting Unit, established in 2006, is responsible for the collation, analysis and reporting of trachoma prevalence data and the documentation of trachoma control strategies in Australia. Data were collected from Aboriginal communities designated at-risk for endemic trachoma (defined as prevalence of 5% or greater among children) within the Northern Territory, South Australia and Western Australia. This report presents data collected in 2010. Aboriginal children aged 1-14 years were screened using the World Health Organization grading criteria to diagnose and classify individual cases of trachoma. Aboriginal adults aged 40 years or older were screened for trichiasis. Community screening coverage of the designated at-risk communities was 60% in 2010. Screening coverage of the estimated population of children aged 1-14 years and of adults aged 40 years or older in at-risk communities was 11.5% and 5%, respectively. Trachoma prevalence among children aged 1-14 years who were screened was 11%. Of the communities screened, 36% were found to have no cases of active trachoma and 55% were found to have endemic levels of trachoma. Treatment coverage of active cases and their contacts varied between jurisdictions from 64% to 90%. Trichiasis prevalence was 4% within the screened communities.