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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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A systematic review and meta-analysis of heat exposure impacts on maternal, fetal and neonatal health

D P Lakhoo, N Brink, L Radebe, M H Craig, M D Pham, M M Haghighi, A Wise, I Solarin, S Luchters, G Maimela, M F Chersich, Heat-Health Study Group, HIGH Horizons Study Group

Maternal, Newborn + Child Health
The role and value of counsellors in the treatment journeys of people with tuberculosis and their families: Qualitative insights from the South Fly District of Papua New Guinea.

Jops P, Cowan J, Trumb RN, Kupul M, Kuma A, Bell S, Keam T, Bauri M, Nindil H, Majumdar SS, Finch S, Pomat W, Marais BJ, Marks GB, Kaldor J, Vallely A, Graham SM, Kelly-Hanku A

Tuberculosis (TB)
Mpox: Neglect has led to a more dangerous virus now spreading across borders, harming and killing people. Leaders must take action to stop mpox now.

McNab C, Torreele E, Alakija A, Aluso A, Cárdenas M, Crabb B, Dybul M, Garcia PJ, Gostin LO, Gurría A, Halton J, Kamradt-Scott A, Kazatchkine M, Legido-Quigley H, Liu J, Majumdar S, Mark HE, McCarney R, Miliband D, Mpanju-Shumbusho W, Namchee Lo S, Nordström A, Panjabi R, Saavedra J, Schwalbe N, Stocking BM, Todd E, Wenham C, Johnson Sirleaf E, Clark H

Global Infectious Disease Threats
Effectiveness of an expanded role for community health workers on malaria blood examination rates in malaria elimination settings in Myanmar: an open stepped-wedge, cluster-randomised controlled trial.

Win Han Oo, Htike W, May Chan Oo, Pwint Phyu Phyu, Kyawt Mon Win, Nay Yi Yi Linn, Tun Min, Ei Phyu Htwe, Aung Khine Zaw, Kaung Myat Thu, Galau NH, Cutts JC, Simpson JA, Scott N, O'Flaherty K, Agius PA, Fowkes FJI

Mental Health Problems Among Indonesian Adolescents: Findings of a Cross-Sectional Study Utilizing Validated Scales and Innovative Sampling Methods.

Pham MD, Wulan NR, Sawyer SM, Agius PA, Fisher J, Tran T, Medise BE, Devaera Y, Riyanti A, Ansariadi A, Cini K, Kennedy E, Wiweko B, Luchters S, Kaligis F, Wiguna T, Azzopardi PS

Global Adolescent Health
Stellabody®: A novel hexamer-promoting mutation for improved IgG potency
Immune Disease + Cancer