Characteristics of attrition within the SuperMIX cohort of people who inject drugs: A multiple event discrete-time survival analysis.
Abdelsalam S, Agius PA, Sacks-Davis R, Roxburgh A, Livingston M, Maher L, Hickman M, Dietze P
Injecting Drug UseWHO hepatitis C elimination targets: the global equity challenge.
Heath K, Hill A
Hepatitis C Global Infectious Disease ThreatsHow do postnatal care guidelines in Australia compare to international standards? A scoping review and comparative analysis.
Blair A, Tan A, Homer CSE, Vogel JP
Maternal, Newborn + Child HealthAbortion care at 20 weeks and over in Victoria: a thematic analysis of healthcare providers' experiences.
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Maternal, Newborn + Child HealthInnovation is needed to increase viral hepatitis testing globally.
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Hepatitis B Hepatitis C