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HCV Elimination Modelling

The advent of highly effective direct-acting antiviral therapies for the treatment of the Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) means that elimination is now firmly on the agenda, with the World Health Organization recently announcing elimination targets including:

  • A 65 percent reduction in HCV-related deaths by the year 2030
  • An 80 percent reduction in HCV incidence by the year 2030.

We are aiming to answer the following questions in a range of settings:

  • How do we determine the most cost-effective scale-up of treatments among priority groups, through different modalities, and over different time-frames?
  • How much will it cost to reach strategic targets?
  • How can the cascade of care be optimised to maximise the number of people receiving curative treatment?
  • Where are the bottlenecks?
  • Which modalities of which programs are required (e.g. mobile clinics or nurse-led models of care)?


Given the limited resources available, we will investigate what the best use of funding across the programs of prevention, testing and treatment might be to:

  • Minimise morbidity and mortality
  • Minimise new infections
  • Get as close as possible to multiple national targets.
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Associate Professor Nick Scott

Contact Associate Professor Nick Scott for more information about this project.