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Burnet Antiviral
Screening Facility

Developed by Associate Professor Gilda Tachedjian and her team, this facility assists researchers to screen compounds for their ability to inhibit the virus replication process, particularly for HIV and herpes viruses.

85 Commercial Road,
Melbourne VIC 3004

The Antiviral Screening Facility has the capacity to test chemical agents that will inhibit the replication of HIV and herpes simplex (HSV) type 1 and 2 viruses in cell culture assays. This means that researchers can accelerate the development of new molecules that may lead to better treatments for these chronic infections.

The team has extensive experience in basic research and in particular in understanding the biology of retroviruses. Their expertise is highly regarded and all work undertaken by the facility is done using principles outlined in the FDA guidelines for Antiviral Product Development.


- Screening of compounds for activity against a laboratory strain of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in cell culture based assays including determination of selectivity index (SI) of compounds (SI= 50% effective concentration/ 50% cytotoxic concentration)
- Evaluate activity of compounds against different HIV strains including different HIV subtypes and clinical isolates in cell lines and in primary cells
- Evaluate mechanism of action of HIV inhibitors including determining the ability of inhibitors to inhibit HIV-1 reverse transcriptase activity using recombinant enzyme
- Selection and characterisation of drug resistant strains of HIV
- Evaluate antiviral activity in cell culture assays in the presence of serum, seminal plasma, cervicovaginal fluid
- Screening of compounds for activity against HSV-1 and HSV-2 in cell culture assays including determination of selectivity index (SI) of compounds


Professor Gilda Tachedjian