Generational shifts in attitudes and beliefs about alcohol: An age-period-cohort approach.
Livingston M, Callinan S, Pennay A, Yuen WS, Taylor N, Dietze P
Alcohol and Other DrugsAnalysis of four syringe dispensing machine point-of-access data 2017-2020 in Melbourne, Australia: machine utilisation and client demographics.
Kerr P, Cossar RD, Livingston M, Jacka D, Dietze P, O'Keefe D
Trust and service engagement among people who inject drugs after release from prison.
Lafferty L, Schroeder S, Marshall AD, Drysdale K, Higgs P, Stoové M, Baldry E, Dietze P, Treloar C
Injecting Drug Use Justice HealthDiscontinuation of opioid agonist treatment following release from prison in a cohort of men who injected drugs prior to imprisonment in Victoria, Australia: A discrete-time survival analysis.
Curtis M, Dietze P, Wilkinson AL, Agius PA, Stewart AC, Cossar RD, Butler T, Walker S, Kirwan A, Winter RJ, Stoové M
Diagnostic accuracy for self-reported methamphetamine use versus oral fluid test as the reference standard in a methamphetamine-dependent intervention trial population.
Carter G, Spittal MJ, Glowacki L, Gerostamoulos D, Dietze P, Sinclair B, Arunogiri S, Berk M, Lubman DI, Manning V, Higgs P, Quinn B, Baker A, Dean OM, Turner A, McKetin R
Alcohol and Other DrugsNon-fatal opioid overdose after release from prison among men who injected drugs prior to their imprisonment: a prospective data linkage study.
Curtis M, Dietze P, Winter RJ, Rathnayake K, Smith K, Stoove M