Prospective study of retention in opioid agonist treatment and contact with emergency healthcare following release from prisons in Victoria, Australia.
Curtis M, Wilkinson AL, Dietze P, Stewart AC, Kinner SA, Cossar RD, Nehme E, Aitken C, Walker S, Butler T, Winter RJ, Smith K, Stoove M
Experiences of participation in a longitudinal cohort study of people who inject drugs in Victoria, Australia
Berryman B, Niesen R, Higgs P, Dietze P, Stewart A, Cossar R, & Walker S
Comprehensive needle and syringe program and opioid agonist therapy reduce HIV and hepatitis c virus acquisition among people who inject drugs in different settings: a pooled analysis of emulated trials.
van Santen DK, Lodi S, Dietze P, van den Boom W, Hayashi K, Dong H, Cui Z, Maher L, Hickman M, Boyd A, Prins M
Hepatitis C HIV + AIDS Injecting Drug UseDoes sexuality matter? A cross-sectional study of drug use, social injecting, and access to injection-specific care among men who inject drugs in Melbourne, Australia.
Schroeder SE, Wilkinson AL, O’Keefe D, Bourne A, Doyle JS, Hellard M, Dietze P, Pedrana A
Alcohol and Other Drugs Injecting Drug UseDoes sexuality matter? A cross-sectional study of drug use, social injecting, and access to injection-specific care among men who inject drugs in Melbourne, Australia.
Schroeder SE, Wilkinson AL, O'Keefe D, Bourne A, Doyle JS, Hellard M, Dietze P, Pedrana A
The prevalence of drug driving and being caught for a drug driving offense among community-recruited people who use methamphetamine in metropolitan and rural Victoria, Australia.
Nightingale C, Kippen R, Ward B, Stoove M, Quinn B, Sutton K, Dietze P