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Doctor Lindi Masson

Deputy Program Director, Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health; Head, HIV, Inflammation and the Microbiome
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Current Projects
Misc 510X288
Mucosal injury from sexual contact (MISC) PROJECT Arrow Icon
Metaproteomics 510X288
The role of female genital tract microbial function in inflammation and HIV infection risk PROJECT Arrow Icon
Eve M
EVE-M® (Enhancing the vaginal environment and microbiome) PROJECT Arrow Icon
Holding Image
Diagnostics for Preterm Birth Risk Prediction in Pregnant Australians Arrow Icon
Bv Diagnostic
Bacterial Vaginosis Point-of-Care Diagnostics Arrow Icon
Vaginal Live Biotherapeutics for Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Arrow Icon
Depo Provera 510X288
Depo Provera and Beyond PROJECT Arrow Icon
Genital Inflammation Test (GIFT) for Sexual and Reproductive Health PROJECT Arrow Icon