Changes in Australians' attitudes towards supervised injecting facilities.
Lloyd Z, Colledge-Frisby S, Taylor N, Livingston M, Jauncey M, Roxburgh A
Injecting Drug Use20-year trends in Australian methamphetamine-related deaths, 2001-2020.
Stronach O, Dietze P, Livingston M, Roxburgh A
Alcohol and Other DrugsThe role of on-site drug analysis within supervised injecting facilities: A case presentation of an adverse event highlighting need.
Page R, Jauncey M, Brett J, Wood W, Roxburgh A
Injecting Drug UseImproving assessment and management of suicide risk among people who inject drugs: A mixed methods study conducted at the Medically Supervised Injecting Centre, Sydney.
Hocknull K, Geiger B, Bartlett M, Colledge-Frisby S, Shand F, Day CA, Jauncey M, Roxburgh A
Injecting Drug UseCharacteristics of attrition within the SuperMIX cohort of people who inject drugs: A multiple event discrete-time survival analysis.
Abdelsalam S, Agius PA, Sacks-Davis R, Roxburgh A, Livingston M, Maher L, Hickman M, Dietze P
Alcohol and Other Drugs Injecting Drug UseOutrage and algorithms: Shifting drug-related stigma in a digital world.
Salomon A, Bartlett M, Chenery M, Jauncey M, Roxburgh A
Alcohol and Other Drugs