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The impact of indoor residual spraying on Plasmodium falciparum microsatellite variation in an area of high seasonal malaria transmission in Ghana, West Africa.

Argyropoulos DC, Ruybal-Pesántez S, Deed SL, Oduro AR, Dadzie SK, Appawu MA, Asoala V, Pascual M, Koram KA, Day KP, Tiedje KE

  • Journal Molecular ecology

  • Published 16 Jul 2021

  • Volume 30

  • ISSUE 16

  • Pagination 3974-3992

  • DOI 10.1111/mec.16029


: pre-IRS = 0.79 vs. post-IRS = 0.81, p = .048). Reduced relatedness of the parasite population (p < .001) was observed post-IRS, probably due to decreased opportunities for outcrossing. Spatiotemporal genetic differentiation between the pre- and post-IRS surveys (D = 0.0329 [95% CI: 0.0209 - 0.0473], p = .034) was identified. These data provide a genetic explanation for the resilience of P. falciparum to short-term IRS programmes in high-transmission settings in sub-Saharan Africa.