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Induction of HIV-1 subtype B and AE-specific neutralizing antibodies in mice and macaques with DNA prime and recombinant gp140 protein boost regimens.

Center RJ, Wheatley AK, Campbell SM, Gaeguta AJ, Peut V, Alcantara S, Siebentritt C, Kent SJ, Purcell DF

  • Journal Vaccine

  • Published 25 Aug 2009

  • Volume 27

  • ISSUE 47

  • Pagination 6605-12

  • DOI 10.1016/j.vaccine.2009.08.016


We developed highly expressing clade B and AE DNA and envelope protein (Env) vaccines for evaluation in mice and macaques as DNA prime/protein boost regimens. High levels of Env-specific antibodies were induced in mice, albeit with limited neutralizing activity in vitro. A combined clade B and AE regimen induced high titer Env-specific antibody in two pigtail macaques that neutralized several strains of HIV-1. However, upon mucosal challenge with SHIV(SF162P3) no protection from infection was observed. Although the vaccines tested provide a platform for inducing robust humoral immunity, further refinements to broaden coverage against divergent strains and induce mucosal immunity are needed.