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HIV and age do not substantially interact in HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment.

Cysique LA, Maruff P, Bain MP, Wright E, Brew BJ

  • Journal The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences

  • Published 12 Dec 2011

  • Volume 23

  • ISSUE 1

  • Pagination 83-9

  • DOI 10.1176/jnp.23.1.jnp83


The authors investigated the combined age and HIV effects on cognitive functions in 146 individuals, 116 of whom had HIV infection. Forty-two percent had HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder, and all were receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy. Using linear and nonlinear regression modeling, the authors found only a trending effect of the quadratic term HIV status × age, both including dementia cases (p=0.12) and excluding dementia cases (p<0.06). Our results suggest that either this early-2000 cohort is not old enough to detect a clear interactive age and HIV effect or that there may be a survivor bias for individuals with long-term infection. Further longitudinal studies are warranted.