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Developing programs for African families, by African families: engaging African migrant families in Melbourne in health promotion interventions.

Halliday JA, Green J, Mellor D, Mutowo MP, de Courten M, Renzaho AM

  • Journal Family & community health

  • Published 19 Feb 2014

  • Volume 37

  • ISSUE 1

  • Pagination 60-73

  • DOI 10.1097/FCH.0000000000000011


Obesity is an emerging problem for African migrants in Australia, but few prevention programs incorporate their cultural beliefs and values. This study reports on the application of community capacity-building and empowerment principles in 4 workshops with Sudanese families in Australia. Workshop participants prioritized health behaviors, skill and knowledge gaps, and environments for change to identify culturally centered approaches to health promotion. The workshops highlighted a need for culturally and age-appropriate interventions that build whole-of-family skills and knowledge around the positive effects of physical activity and nutrition to improve health within communities while reducing intergenerational and gender role family conflicts.