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Christine Elmer
Executive General Manager, Communication and Marketing
+61 488 118 008

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Eliminating malaria in our region
09 May 2024 News Post Arrow Icon
Indigenous Scholarship 600X600
Empowering Indigenous voices in perinatal care
09 May 2024 News Post Arrow Icon
Burnext Thumbnail
Landmark accelerator program launched at Burnet Institute
07 May 2024 News Post Arrow Icon
Burnet Visual Identity Thumbnail
Changes to Burnet's board
06 May 2024 News Post Arrow Icon
Beeson 600X600
NHMRC grant supports development for new malaria vaccines
03 May 2024 News Post Arrow Icon
Sandrine 600X600
Dorabjee Award recipient empowers change and honours a legacy
02 May 2024 News Post Arrow Icon
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Researchers join world leaders at World Health Summit
01 May 2024 News Post Arrow Icon
Disease X Seminar 600X600
Anticipating the inevitable: how prepared are we for the next pandemic?
30 Apr 2024 News Post Arrow Icon
Mary Tuhaika 600X600
Swaddle blankets carry immunisation messages to Solomon Islands parents
29 Apr 2024 News Post Arrow Icon
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Phase Two in addressing antimicrobial resistance in PNG
23 Apr 2024 News Post Arrow Icon
Caroline Homer 600X600
Championing continuity of care in midwifery
22 Apr 2024 News Post Arrow Icon
BDI Story AR Thumbnail
Robust, reproducible diagnostics research
21 Apr 2024 News Post Arrow Icon
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Making disease treatment more effective with Stellabody®
21 Apr 2024 News Post Arrow Icon
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Reducing transmissible infections through improved indoor air quality
10 Apr 2024 News Post Arrow Icon