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Naomi Pank

TB Nursing Officer- Senior Public Health Nurse
Square Naomi Pank

Naomi has a background in clinical nursing and is now pursuing a career in public health and operational research. She is currently based in Daru Island, working as a Senior TB Nursing Officer within the public health team.

  • 2020: Master of Public Health in International Health Development – Nagasaki University, Japan
  • 2019: Project Cycle Management – Nagasaki University
  • 2014: Bachelor in General Nursing
  • 2019 – Internship with the End TB & Leprosy Unit, WHO (Regional Office of the Western Pacific)
  • 2018 to present – Member of Nagasaki University Global Health Network
  • 2015 to present: Member of PNG Nurses Association
  • 2024: Crockett-Murphy Travel Fellowship
  • 2018: MEXT Scholarship
  • 2022: TB Nursing Officer – Burnet Institute, Daru (PNG)
  • 2021: Pharmacy Nurse – Sesago Health Care Limited, Port Moresby (PNG)
  • 2015 – 2018: Nursing Officer – Port Moresby General Hospital, Port Moresby (PNG)