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Strengthening Monastic School Education in Myanmar

The Myanmar Education Consortium (MEC), established in 2012 and funded through Australian and UK Governments, has the overall goal of increasing the number and proportion of children in Myanmar accessing and completing quality basic education.

Burnet Institute partnered with the Monastic Education Development Group (MEDG) to build the capacity of the Monastic School system to provide quality education and school facilities in a targeted number of monastery schools. The MEC was led by three international Non-Government Organisations; Burnet Institute, Save the Children and World Vision.

This project aimed to:

  • strengthen management and leadership capacity of the monastic school system
  • support teachers and schools to deliver effective child-centred education
  • ensure that schools are safe, healthy and child-friendly environments conducive to learning; and
  • engage parents and communities in education.

February 2013 - March 2015

The monastic school system in Myanmar operates over 1,700 schools catering for over 300,000 children. Monastic schools have received very little, if any government funding in the past. Although the government has recently begun to support the salaries of teachers in monastic schools, resources remain limited with many teachers working voluntarily. There is a lack of basic facilities, teaching and learning materials, and inadequate sanitation and hygiene facilities in many schools.

Monastic schools are an integral part of the Myanmar National Action Plan and overseen by the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Teachers in monastery schools are not required by law to attain a certificate in education. They are generally recruited from the local area and may even be former students of the school itself and have varying levels of education.

The government education system fails to actively include some marginalised groups including those in remote and conflicts areas, migrant children, working children, those in poor health, children from ethno linguistic minority groups and children with disabilities. The Monastic school system accepts and supports these children to achieve an education.

A baseline report was completed with findings disseminated in January 2014.

Construction of toilets and water supply systems was completed in 20 schools.

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Doctor Phone Myint Win

Contact Doctor Phone Myint Win for more information about this project.



  • The Myanmar Education Consortium, funded by the Australian and UK Governments.

Partners +

  • The implementation partner of the project is Monastic Education Development Group (MEDG).
  • Burnet and MEDG are working with Ministry of Religious Affairs; Ministry of Education; Ministry of Health and Sports; Phaung Daw Oo Community Based Organisation; and Monastic schools from the targeted project area for the effective implementation of the project
  • Other non-government/local partners: Pyoe Pin, British Council (DFID funded) programming aimed at strengthening civil society, MTEWG (Myanmar Teacher Education Working Group), ETWG (Education Thematic Working Group)


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