This project aims to understand the mechanisms of how viral infections can potentiate the development of CVD, with a particular focus on the role monocytes may play in this process.
2022 - Ongoing
We are utilising clinical cohort samples, transcriptomic and proteomic approaches together with novel in vitro assays of atherosclerotic processes to investigate:
- What atherosclerotic pathways and processes are modified by viruses?
- Can we identify biomarkers that predict a cardiovascular event in people with viral infections like HIV?
- How do viral infections alter the atherosclerosis-promoting functions of monocytes?
- What treatments are effective at preventing CVD in people with a history of viral infection?
- Do viruses and healthy ageing act through similar or different pathways to increase CVD risk?
This work will help determine how viral infections may potentiate CVD, which will identify processes that can be targeted therapeutically. Identifying biomarkers to predict those at risk of a cardiovascular event will help prevent CVD in the millions of people worldwide who live with a chronic viral infection.

Partners +
- Infectious Diseases Unit, Alfred Hospital and Monash University
- Austin Health
Meet the project team. Together, we are translating research into better health, for all.