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Communicable disease screening and prevalence among migrants

Migrants make up an estimated 28 percent of the Australian population. Understanding current migrant health status is necessary to inform health policy and planning, to ensure health equity for migrants and to improve health care within Australia. Up-to-date research on the health of newly-arrived migrants is particularly important given changing migrant source countries and demographics, and potential implications for changing patterns of disease.

The study aims to provide recommendations to inform evidence-based policy and practice to improve communicable diseases health outcomes among migrants entering Australia.

June 2017 – May 2018

The study will utilise routinely-collected pre-migration health screening data collected by the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP).

The study will determine screening rates for key communicable diseases (tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C), measure the prevalence of these diseases, and identify socio-demographic, migration and health-related factors associated with disease positivity.

Danielle Horinyak

Doctor Danielle Horyniak

Please contact Doctor Danielle Horyniak for more information about this project.


Partners +

  • Department of Immigration and Border Protection


Meet the project team. Together, we are translating research into better health, for all.