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Doctor Raffi Gugasyan

Chair of Education; Head of Diagnostic Markers and Chronic Immune Disorders Group (Gugasyan Laboratory)

Dr Gugasyan obtained his PhD from the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute (Melbourne) and furthered his training at the Washington University School of Medicine, St.Louis, MO, (USA). He is internationally and nationally recognised for his research on lymphocytes and the signalling circuitry within these cells that help to prevent chronic diseases such as autoimmunity and cancer.

His research team is currently focused on developing new diagnostic markers for diseases such as autoimmunity and cancer.

  • PhD, University of Melbourne
  • BSc (Hons), Monash University
  • 2009-present: Senior Lecturer, Department of Immunology, Monash University, Victoria, Australia
  • The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Victoria, Australia