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Doctor Mark Ziemann

Head of Bioinformatics

Mark is a bioinformatician with over 10 years experience in the analysis of genomics data. His PhD was in plant molecular genetics (2006-2010), and post-doc was focused on applications of next generation sequencing in studying human epigenetics of complex diseases. From 2018-2023, he was a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics at Deakin University, teaching these topics and leading a successful independent research group in computational biology.

Mark's main role at Burnet will be to enhance bioinformatics capabilities across the Institute, which will involve consulting and training e-research skills, collaborative analysis, advocating for infrastructure and cultivating a community of best practice in bioinformatics. He will also maintain a research group that will focus on (1) developing new bioinformatics infrastructure such as software tools and databases, and (2) enhancing research methodology.

  • 2010, PhD, Swinburne University
  • 2021, Grad Cert Higher Education, Deakin University
  • Australasian Epigenetics Alliance Committee Member