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Professor Heidi Drummer

Scientific Director for Research Translation; Scientific Director, Burnet Diagnostics Initiative; Principal Investigator, Burnet Vaccine Initiative; Co-Head, Viral Entry and Vaccines Group
Current Projects
BVI Mrna
Developing next-generation mRNA vaccines for malaria Arrow Icon
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Understanding immune responses to Mpox infection and vaccination PROJECT Arrow Icon
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Liver Health Screening Test PROJECT Arrow Icon
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Development of a test for diagnosis of active syphilis PROJECT Arrow Icon
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Development of a novel antibody for treatment and prevention of respiratory disease PROJECT Arrow Icon
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Understanding the immune response to highly variable viruses PROJECT Arrow Icon
Understanding how HCV evades the immune system PROJECT Arrow Icon
Hep C Green From Heidi Drummer 2
COVID-19 antigens for PoC test development PROJECT Arrow Icon
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Neutralising antibody assays for COVID-19 PROJECT Arrow Icon
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Understanding the correlates of protection for hepaciviruses PROJECT Arrow Icon
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COVID-19 antigens for PoC test development PROJECT Arrow Icon
Coronaviruses 004 Lores
ACE2 inhibitors for treatment of COVID-19 PROJECT Arrow Icon
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PROPHECY: Profiling immune Responses in Paediatric and High-risk populations to SARS-CoV-2 PROJECT Arrow Icon
Hepseevax Logo Project Pages 510 X144
HepSeeVax: Proof-of-concept study of an HCV vaccine candidate PROJECT Arrow Icon
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Efficacy Assessment of a new point-of-care test (POCT) for confirmation of active syphilis in men who have sex with men PROJECT Arrow Icon
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Novel Point-of-care Testing for Diagnosis of Active Syphilis in Pregnant Women and Infants in Fiji PROJECT Arrow Icon
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Identifying risk factors and biomarkers of post-acute sequelae COVID-19 (PASC, Long COVID) PROJECT Arrow Icon
Past Projects
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Hepatitis C and injecting networks PROJECT Arrow Icon
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Social Networks and the Hepatitis C Virus PROJECT Arrow Icon