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Expression of CD11/CD18 and ICAM-1 on monocytes and lymphocytes of HIV-1-infected individuals.

Stent G, Cameron PU, Crowe SM

  • Journal Journal of leukocyte biology

  • Published 10 Oct 1994

  • Volume 56

  • ISSUE 3

  • Pagination 304-9

  • DOI 10.1002/jlb.56.3.304


The role of the leukocyte integrins in the infection of cells by HIV-1 or in the progression of AIDS-related disease is of continuing interest. Using a dual-labeling flow cytometric method, we determined the level of expression of the leukocyte integrins and intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) on monocytes and lymphocytes from HIV-1-infected and uninfected individuals. The mean fluorescence of CD18 on lymphocytes and CD11c on monocytes of HIV-1-infected subjects was significantly higher than for the control group (P = .008 and .014, respectively). There was a trend toward higher fluorescence of CD11a on lymphocytes from HIV-1-infected subjects compared with cells from the control group (P = .089). Integrin expression on lymphocytes or monocytes from HIV-infected individuals did not correlate with their CD4 lymphocyte number. However, the mean fluorescence associated with ICAM-1 on monocytes and CD11a and CD18 expression on lymphocytes was related to clinical stage of disease.