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Constitutive expression of p50 homodimer in freshly isolated human monocytes decreases with in vitro and in vivo differentiation: a possible mechanism influencing human immunodeficiency virus replication in monocytes and mature macrophages.

Lewin SR, Lambert P, Deacon NJ, Mills J, Crowe SM

  • Journal Journal of virology

  • Published 18 Mar 1997

  • Volume 71

  • ISSUE 3

  • Pagination 2114-9

  • DOI 10.1128/JVI.71.3.2114-2119.1997


Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) replicates more efficiently in vitro in differentiated macrophages than in freshly isolated monocytes. We investigated whether this may be partly explained by changes in expression of NF-kappaB with monocyte differentiation. We demonstrated that constitutive expression of NF-kappaB in primary human monocytes changed significantly with differentiation in vitro to monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs) and differentiation in vivo to alveolar macrophages (AMs). Freshly isolated monocytes constitutively expressed high levels of transcriptionally inactive p50 homodimer which decreased with time in culture in favor of the transcriptionally active p50/p65 and p50/RelB heterodimers. As in MDMs, AMs constitutively expressed p50/p65 and p50/RelB although at lower levels. HIV infection of fresh monocytes failed to induce p50/p65 as seen in MDMs. The replacement of p50 homodimers with transcriptionally active heterodimers following time in culture may partially explain the progressive increase in susceptibility of monocytes to HIV infection during in vitro culture. The change in NF-kappaB components with monocyte differentiation in vivo may also explain the different transcriptional activities of these cell populations in HIV-infected individuals.